Friday, November 19, 2010

Bratty Kids

There are few things that annoy me or scare me more about the future of America than bratty kids like the one in this video. A little background on the video: Two brothers have a much younger brother that they were taking to run errands.  The brother in the passenger seat mentioned to the driver that they should have a race with another car immediately causing the younger brother to get worried.  Then the older brothers started to scare him by saying they were racing and that the cops were likely to come even though they were going the speed limit.  The younger brother then proceeded to freak out.

Why is a 9 year throwing a temper tantrum about anything regardless of what is happening to him?  100 years ago he'd be walking 3 miles in the snow to work a 15 hour day in a factory.  I doubt kids in those days were so sensitive that they started kicking and screaming when their brothers played a joke on them.  Also why is this kid such a wimp?  He was in the back seat- it's not like he was going to get into any trouble.  Where is his sense of adventure?  He's too busy crying to realize how badass it would be to tell his friends he was involved in a high speed car race.  Someone his age shouldn't be worried about consequences.  He should be the one trying to get his older brothers to race.  He, and and a large portion of the general youth population need to toughen up or they are going to be living with their parents for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. because he was a kid and he is scared as well. that's probably the reason why the kid got tantrums.

    Click Me to view more information about kids having tantrums.
