Sunday, November 28, 2010


Urban Dictionary defines the term "wigger" as A male caucasion, usually born and raised in the suburbs that displays a strong desire to emulate African American Hip Hop culture and style through "Bling" fashion and generally accepted "thug life" guiding principles.  In simpler terms, its a lot like a "poser," and doesn't always have to be a white person who is trying to emulate another culture/lifestyle.  There is nothing more entertaining than watching an individual degrade themselves while trying their hardest to be someone they clearly aren't. To put it in perspective, take Brad "B-Rad" Gluckman from Malibu's Most Wanted for example.  "B-Rad," a spoiled white kid from Malibu, California, fancied himself black and even had aspirations to be an MC.  Fortunately, a harsh reality check led to his realization of his true pigment. 
Now, I introduce to you my top 5 most common annoying things to look from from a "Wigger."
1.  One moment, they're talking to their peers saying things like, "neat-o," "swell," "super" etc, and the next they're saying things like "dope," "tight," and the ever popular "word."
2. They braid their hair (think any girl you may have known coming home from the Bahamas... yeah.)
3.  They live by the words of "thug life" and constantly talk about their "struggle"-- which doesn't even remotely exist, mind you.
4. They can always be found on the basketball court.  Sucking at basketball. Additionally, they're always found wearing a white beater, for no reason.  Actually, the wife- beater is commonly complemented with jean shorts (or otherwise known as "jorts," a fashion no-no) and the beater always looks loose, like someone has been stretching it out.
And lastly, and most importantly at number 5.  The epic "facebook pic." You've all seen it-- you know, the one where they're posed, mean-mugging the camera, no evidence of a smile, both middle fingers up, to show how mad and hard they are.  After all, they all experience a common struggle. After that picture, however, they proceed to residing poolside at their local country club while sipping on exquisite strawberry daquoris, on the house. 

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